How Can I Handle Parental Alienation in Nassau County?

sad woman sitting alone

For many couples, getting a divorce can be incredibly difficult. However, these matters can be made even worse when there is a child involved, as a bitter custody battle may ensue. If this is the case, you may find that you are a victim of parental alienation. If this is the case, understanding what this entails and how to handle parental alienation is critical. The following blog explores what you should know about these complicated matters and why obtaining the representation of a Nassau County family law attorney is in your best interest when you are facing these issues.

What Is Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation occurs when one party purposely damages the relationship between a child and the other parent. It’s imperative to understand that this is often considered a form of emotional abuse against the child. Typically, a parent who intentionally tries to cause an estranged relationship is using the child as a pawn to get revenge against their ex-partner for the perceived wrongs committed against them.

Typically, this process involves one parent feeding the child lies about their other parent, like telling the child their other parent does not love them or the other parent blames the child for the divorce. In some instances, the parent may punish the child for wanting to spend time with their other parent or do everything possible to make a relationship between the two incredibly difficult.

As a result, the child can become confused as to why their other parent does not love them or want to spend time with them, causing them to form resentment. Subsequently, the child may begin pulling away from the parent, defying their rules, engaging in disrespectful behavior, or

What Is the Best Way to Handle Parental Alienation?

If you are a victim of alienation by your spouse, understanding your legal options is imperative. Generally, one of the most important things you need to keep in mind is that this is not your child’s fault. Though it is their actions that you are directly experiencing, they have been manipulated by their other parent. While you may feel hurt by their actions and behavior, it’s imperative to understand that your child is a victim of abuse in these matters.

Generally, one of the best ways to navigate these matters is to collect as much evidence as possible. Unfortunately, proving alienation in court can be incredibly complicated, so having as much proof as possible is imperative to do what you can to show that you and your child have both been victimized by the actions of your ex-partner.

If the court agrees with the findings, they can remove the child from the care of the manipulative parent and begin a reunification program in which the child and estranged parent will begin supervised visitations. The child will also likely require therapy for the emotional abuse they’ve endured.

Are you currently experiencing parental alientation? If so, working with an experienced attorney is in your best interest to fight for the best possible outcome for you and your child. At Barrows Levy PLLC, our team understands how difficult these matters can be, which is why we will do everything possible to help you through these times. Contact our firm today to learn how we can fight for you.

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