What Custody Arrangements Are Best for Children in NY?

divorcing couple arguing

If you are going through a divorce, it’s normal to feel overwhelming emotions. However, you should understand that if you have children, they will also be heavily impacted by this decision. As such, you should familiarize yourself with the different custody arrangements that may apply to your circumstances. If you’re wondering which is best for your children, you’ll want to keep reading. You’ll discover what you should know about these important matters, as well as why it’s critical to connect with a Nassau County child custody lawyer, in the following blog.

What Are the Different Custody Arrangements?

When you’re going through a divorce and have children, understanding the different types of custody options is critical. In general, there are two kinds of custody – physical and legal.

Generally, physical custody refers to where the child resides and how much time they spend with the child. In many instances, there are shared custody arrangements, meaning each parent gets physical custody of the children. However, the parent with at least 51% custody will have primary custody of the children. Whichever parent has physical custody will generally make day-to-day decisions for them.

Legal custody, on the other hand, determines which parent has the legal rights to make important decisions for the child. This includes where the child will go to school, what medical care they receive, and what religion they practice.

In both instances, you can receive joint or sole custody based on your circumstances. In many instances, the courts will try to grant joint physical custody, even if they grant sole legal custody to one parent. If joint legal custody is granted, both parents must discuss before making legal decisions.

Which Is Best for Children?

When determining the best option for your family, you may wonder which is ultimately the best. However, it’s critical to understand that there is no “ultimate” custody arrangement. In short, the best option will depend on your unique familial circumstances.

For example, many judges often like to grant joint custody, as they believe it’s in the best interest of the child to have a relationship with both parents. However, while this may be the best option for some, it may not be for others. For example, if your ex-spouse was physically abusive, it’s not best for your child to be in their custody.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me?

Divorces can be incredibly upsetting. However, when there are children in the mix, this can become all the more stressful. As such, it’s imperative to connect with an attorney who can examine your circumstances and help you determine the best course of action for your needs.

When you need assistance, the team at Barrows Levy, PLLC understands how difficult these matters can be. That’s why our team is dedicated to fighting for the best interest of your family. Connect with us today to learn how we can help you during these times.

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