Video Library

What should I do if I've been served a summons for divorce?

What if my spouse wants to relocate with our kids after a divorce?

How is child support calculated in New York State?

How is child custody determined in New York?

What is the difference between residential and legal custody?

What is a will?

What happens in a divorce if my spouse owns a business?

What is the difference between joint and sole custody?

Who gets the house in a divorce?

What is a no fault divorce?

What if my spouse refuses to follow a court order?

Will my spouse pay my legal fees?

What is a prenuptial agreement?

What should I do if I want to get divorced?

What documents should include in my estate plan?

What should I do if my spouse has cut me off financially?

What is equitable distribution?

What is a trust?

What happens if I die without writing a will?

What is the difference between a contested and uncontested divorce?

Do I have to pay child support if I have joint custody?

What if my spouse doesn't pay after the divorce is final?

How can I modify child custody in New York?

Barrows Levy Overview

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