Nassau County Child Custody Lawyer

Serving all of Long Island and NY Metropolitan Area

There is nothing more important to a parent than being able to raise and care for his or her child, which is why if you are a divorcing parent, the most important thing you can do is hire an experienced Nassau County Child Custody Lawyer who will fight for your child’s best interests through every step of the legal process ahead. Our firm has handled countless child custody cases over the years, and you have our pledge to handle yours effectively. Contact Barrows Levy PLLC today to learn how we can guide you through every step of the legal process ahead.

Nassau County Child Custody Lawyer | Our Firm Advocates for You and Your Child

When parents are in a contested divorce, there is a perfect chance that they cannot agree on child custody terms either. Unfortunately, child custody battles, at times, are highly contentious, which is why you cannot afford to proceed without a skilled Nassau County family law attorney on your side. We understand the importance of these cases, and we know that as a parent, your child is your number one priority. When you sit down with our firm, you will feel comfortable knowing you and your child are in good hands as we provide you with the personalized and compassionate legal representation you and your child require.

Physical vs. Legal Custody in NYS

Here in New York State, there are two types of child custody: physical and legal. Physical custody refers to which parent the child will live with most of the time, and legal custody gives a parent the authority to make critical life decisions on behalf of a child, including those involving education, religion, healthcare, and more. In most cases, courts will prefer to split joint custody evenly between parents, however, there are times where one parent will receive sole custody of the child. Retaining skilled representation for child custody matters can make a difference, and our firm is here to help you and your child in any way we can. Don’t depend on just anyone to handle your legal matter; speak with an experienced Nassau County mothers’ rights lawyer or a Nassau County fathers’ rights lawyer here at our firm to fight for the outcome you and your family deserve.

How NYS Courts Determine Child Custody

Nassau County courts will consider a wide array of factors when determining a child custody agreement. However, you should understand that they will primarily consider your child’s best interests above all else. Some of the additional factors that Nassau County courts will consider when determining child custody agreements are as follows:

  • The needs of your child
  • The geographic location of both parents’ homes
  • Whether both parents are parentally fit
  • Whether both parents can offer a stable home
  • Whether both parents are capable of financially and emotionally supporting and raising the child
  • Whether there has been any history of domestic violence or substance abuse
  • The relationship between the parents and their child
  • Whether the parents are capable of abiding by the terms of their custody agreement
  • The age and number of children both parents have together
  • Whether the child’s educational needs will be impacted
  • If the child is old or mature enough, his or her preference regarding the terms of the custody agreement

Keep in mind that these are just some of the terms that courts will consider when determining your child custody agreement and any other factor that they deem relevant to your particular situation.

Modifying Child Custody Terms

Fortunately, many parents who were either denied custody or otherwise wished to change their child custody agreement in the months or years after their custody agreement was reached may seek a child custody modification with the assistance of a knowledgeable Nassau County post-judgment modification lawyer. For example, suppose you are someone who was initially denied child custody based on a substance abuse issue. However, you can now prove that you sought professional help or took the necessary steps to correct the problem. In that case, there is an excellent chance that you may receive a modification to your initial custody agreement that will allow you to play a significant role in your child’s life again.

That being said, the flip side is also proper. For example, if you share custody with a parent who you realize has a substance abuse issue, has exposed your child to an act of domestic violence, or you believe that your child’s other parent is otherwise unfit to raise your child at the moment, you may request a modification to your custody agreement to obtain sole custody of your child to protect him or her from their other parent’s reckless or dangerous behavior. You should note, however, that to get a modification, you must provide the court with evidence to prove that the modification is genuinely warranted and necessary and that the modification will work toward your child’s best interests. Our firm can help you do so.

Contact Our Nassau County Child Custody Lawyer

Whether you are currently going through the divorce process or you are looking to modify your child custody agreement that was initially reached in your divorce settlement, you cannot afford to proceed without the assistance of an experienced attorney who truly cares about you and your child’s well-being. Our firm will do everything in our power to protect your child at every turn. Contact Barrows Levy PLLC today to schedule your initial consultation with our knowledgeable legal team so you can tell us your story.

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