What Is the Best Way to Handle a High-Conflict Custody Battle in New York?

two adults yelling in front of cowering child

While many people are able to work together with their spouse to determine the outcome of their divorce, others aren’t as lucky. Where some divorcing spouses are amicable, you may find that your spouse is uncooperative and spiteful. As such, you may be in the midst of a high-conflict custody battle. This can be very stressful, so understanding your legal options and what you can do to minimize the impact your spouse’s behavior has on your life is critical. The following blog explores what you should know about these matters and how a Nassau County child custody lawyer can assist you.

Why Are Custody Disputes Complex?

When you and your spouse get a divorce, you’ll find that some issues like property distribution and alimony can be intense issues, but none more so than child custody. In many instances, parents are willing to do anything to spend as much time as possible with their children and may go to great lengths to do so.

In some cases, you’ll find that your spouse may create lies about you to make you look worse, or they refuse to cooperate with you. Additionally, they may escalate typical conversations into arguments, make unreasonable demands, or ignore your attempts to communicate. This can make a tense situation even more frustrating, leading you to be in the midst of a high-conflict situation.

How Can I Navigate a High-Conflict Custody Battle?

When you are in the middle of a high-conflict custody battle, taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and your children is critical. Generally, one of the most important things you can do is minimize the communication you have with your spouse. This can help reduce the amount of arguments and conflict you engage in. When you must communicate with them, keep everything neutral and in writing. If they send you inflammatory messages, do not react to their attempts, and stick to speaking only about your children.

Additionally, you should avoid speaking negatively about your spouse on social media, to mutual friends, and especially in front of your children. Inappropriate or mean comments can be used against you, and they put your children in a situation in which they feel they must pick a side between their parents.

Should I Connect With a Lawyer?

When you and your spouse divorce, you may quickly discover that any hopes you had of a quick and painless divorce are no longer possible due to their attitude regarding the situation. As such, you should connect with an experienced lawyer who can help you navigate the legal complexities of a divorce and child custody dispute.

When your family is on the line, the team at Barrows Levy PLLC is here to help. We understand how complex these matters can be, which is why our team is dedicated to doing everything possible to fight for the best possible outcome for you. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you through these challenging times.

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